We received more exciting news we wanted to share with you. Recently Bitcom was awarded with an Innovation Management Assessment certificate. That means Bitcom current performance in innovations management was evaluated in comparison to benchmarks provided by firms across the world.
Such an assessment creates a clear understanding of crucial success factors for innovation management in 5 innovation management dimensions that are:
innovation strategy;
innovation organization and culture;
innovation life-cycle management;
innovation enabling factors;
innovation results.
IMP³ROVE is uniquely positioned for companies’ assistance in gaining a competitive edge by improving management innovation, including innovation to differentiate with digitization and sustainability.
Bitcom has shown an extremely high level of innovation management as we strive to help our clients with the implementation of their innovative solutions. We have taken part in various projects that carry on an idea of processes digitization.
If you have an innovative digital product and need a highly qualified team for its development, reach out!